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Stay connected with the WALT Institute through our weekly blog sent straight to your inbox! Packed with exclusive insights, leadership tips, and the latest updates, our blog is your go-to resource for staying inspired and informed on your journey to Authentic Leadership.

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Discover the Insights and Tips You'll Gain

How To Manage Stress

There is a way to manage stress more effectively. To re-frame the things that trip us up, to boost our resilience to adversity, to regain more energy, and feel more in control of our life and situations; regardless of what this might be.

We teach and coach the principles of managing stress more Authentically, through being able to pause, check in, call it as is, and them implement simple, proven strategies that make a huge difference. Stress is often a word that we ‘dump’ many things into. It becomes a general term for a wide continuum of emotions and intensity. When we are able to take a step back from our response to a situation (what we often label as ‘stress’), we can then begin to see with more clarity, think more creatively and identify possible solutions for a way forward.

We cannot control the situation but we can control our response!

“Stress is a primal physiological response to danger eventuating in a fight, flee or freeze response (Lazarus, 1984). This is a natural survival mechanism, however if we continually experience repeated stressful situations, this can endanger…”.

Discover the Insights and Tips You'll Gain

How To Manage Stress

There is a way to manage stress more effectively. To re-frame the things that trip us up, to boost our resilience to adversity, to regain more energy, and feel more in control of our life and situations; regardless of what this might be.

We teach and coach the principles of managing stress more Authentically, through being able to pause, check in, call it as is, and them implement simple, proven strategies that make a huge difference. Stress is often a word that we ‘dump’ many things into. It becomes a general term for a wide continuum of emotions and intensity. When we are able to take a step back from our response to a situation (what we often label as ‘stress’), we can then begin to see with more clarity, think more creatively and identify possible solutions for a way forward.

We cannot control the situation but we can control our response!

“Stress is a primal physiological response to danger eventuating in a fight, flee or freeze response (Lazarus, 1984). This is a natural survival mechanism, however if we continually experience repeated stressful situations, this can endanger…”.

From Stress To S.A.N.I.T.Y.


When we work in high demanding roles, juggling the complexities of multiple responsibilities, often the stress of the situation can creep up on us. Then one day something goes wrong! It may be a health complaint, a relationship strain, burnout or some other negative response.

Whether we look at the latest research into gender equity and stress, or whether we explore the physiological and psychological impacts of stress in the world of science – we need to address this topic to prevent it becoming an epidemic of highest proportions.

From Stress To S.A.N.I.T.Y.


When we work in high demanding roles, juggling the complexities of multiple responsibilities, often the stress of the situation can creep up on us. Then one day something goes wrong! It may be a health complaint, a relationship strain, burnout or some other negative response.

Whether we look at the latest research into gender equity and stress, or whether we explore the physiological and psychological impacts of stress in the world of science – we need to address this topic to prevent it becoming an epidemic of highest proportions.

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ABN: 70 622 677 061

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WALT Institute Pty Ltd

ABN: 70 622 677 061



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